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Winning Battles While Losing the War


The immediate daily needs of the street homeless are relentless. Food, water, medical assistance, and short-term protection from the elements are a few items needed to preserve life.

Every bottle of water, snack item, meal, or tent given helps the person win the daily battle for life which we can celebrate. At the same time, we must not let these daily victories cloud the fact that a person living on the street will die seventeen years earlier than a

person living in stable housing.

We must be mindful that while we are winning the daily battle the street homeless person is losing the war for stability that will cost them their life. Providing daily needs is a must. At the same time, it should be seen as a temporary fix to the larger issue of lifelong

stable housing.

The Hand Up Housing Team is working to provide the street homeless in Madison County with daily needs while investing even more resources in the development and implementation of long- term stable housing for every street homeless person living on our streets.

Please pray to our Heavenly Father that we have enough resources to provide relational resources needed to guide each person into stability.

The Team at Hand Up Housing

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