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Solving Confusion about “Homelessness”


The word “Homelessness” has historically been the universally

recognized word to describe the complicated issues in the breakdown of human habitation. Individuals who find themselves without housing, for any reason, are considered “homeless.”

Forcing one word to describe the complexities of “homelessness” is confusing. Instead, we use the phrase fractured habitation and understand “homelessness” as one of three major types of fractured habitation.

Fractured habitation is caused when one of the individual’s three forms of personal resources is absent, lost, broken, or rejected.

The three types of fractured habitation are:

1. Houselessness: The loss of a material resource such as a house due to a physical calamity like a fire, hurricane, or the like.

2. Shelterlessness: The loss of inner resources that hinders the person's ability to maintain consistent rational thought due to mental illness or drug abuse.

3. Homelessness is the absence, loss, brokenness, or rejection of relational resources that leave the individual isolated from human support.

Each type of fractured habitation stems from a different source and demands a different response if stability is to be accomplished. When we apply houseless solutions to shelterlessness or shelterlessness to homelessness we become confused and wonder why stable housing is elusive.

When we apply the appropriate response to each type of fractured habitation, confusion is eliminated, and stable housing increases.

We will look deeper at the three types of fractured habitation over the next few weeks.

The Team at Hand Up Housing

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