A lightning bolt tore through the Smiths' foundation, knocking them out of bed. The room instantly filled with smoke. As volunteer firemen, they knew what to do and immediately extinguished the fire.
“I guess we’re homeless,” John said as they taped plastic over a gaping hole in their bedroom wall.
Minutes later, the fire department arrived, followed by a host of family and friends. Three hours later, the shaken couple fell asleep in their friend's spare room, which they called home for the next five weeks while their house was repaired.
The Smiths were not homeless. They were houseless, which is one of three types of fractured habitation.
Houselessness occurs when a calamity befalls a house, which is part of the individual's or family's material resources.
The two types of Houselessness are:
1. SELF-SUSTAINED HOUSELESSNESS occurs when an individual or family has sufficient relational, inner, and material resources, allowing them to recover from the loss of a house without the help of outside resources.
2. SUPPORTED HOUSELESSNESS occurs when an individual or family lacks sufficient relational, inner, and material resources to recover from the loss of a house without the help of outside resources.
The Team at Hand Up Housing