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  • jbrunaughhanduphou

263,864 People Have Housing 275 Don’t WHY

There are 263,864 people living in 108,607 housing units in

Madison County, Illinois. An additional 9,972 housing units are

unoccupied, and approximately 275 people are homeless.

Why can’t 275 people stabilize in housing?

We have found the answer in the Pyramid of Stability, which is

made up of three basic building blocks needed for stability. We call

these blocks Personal Resources. Every individual has personal

resources but does not receive them in equal measure.

 Relational Resources are the pyramid's foundation and

provide the stable footing needed for the other two

resources to develop.

 Inner Resources are the pyramid's core, providing a

framework for cultivating cultural stability from which

material resources grow.

 Material Resources sit at the top of the pyramid, acting

as a capstone, protecting the entire structure below by

providing the goods and services needed for a stable


When deficiencies exist within an individual's Pyramid of Stability,

Outside Resources can step in and help bolster personal


Over the next several weeks, we will break down the resources and

show what happens when each specific resource is missing, lost,

broken, or rejected in a person’s life.

The Team at Hand Up Housing

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